Meanwhile, back with the elves…

Despite my best intentions to try to keep up with the blog, and the rest of my life, the Clan Elves of the Bitterroot continue to intrude into my life. In a good way, of course!

I’m steadily working on book two, The Elf Child, which is due to the editor in a couple of months, trying to get it in reasonable shape before I head to a writers’ class in the Rockies next month.

Publicity for The Elf Queen continues, with copies out to reviewers, book signings to set up, promotional material to order,  personal and web appearances to coordinate. All of which is thrilling, wonderful and completely time-consuming.

After October, I’ll be able to better juggle the schedule, I think. Well, except for NaNoWriMo. Maybe December. Unless I’m sewing pajamas for the grandchildren. 

Hmm. Maybe January.


2 thoughts on “Meanwhile, back with the elves…

  1. Wow it’s been such a long time and so much has been happening to you.

    I just read your piece on Savvy Authors. Congrats and keep on writing.

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